A selection of card designs which will appeal to both the very young and possibly also those in their teens.These are all designs worked in the last few years, and illustrate the wide variety of images and messages whch are possible.If you don’t see a design here which you like, please contact me and discuss, as I have thousands of designs to choose from.To see an enlarged version of each card below, click on the image seen.
If you don’t see what you like here, please get in touch.Give me an idea of interests or hobbies,Age of person, etc and I will see what I can do to find something suitable.The suggestion or suggestions will be Emailed to you ( colours may not be those that are finally selected ), and you can check to see if they are what you want. I reserve the right to charge slightly more for a card that has involved a lot of discussion and decision making as I need to be re-imbursed for the time taken to settle on a design.HOWEVERNormally all design charges are included in the cost of the card
WHEN ENLARGING DESIGNSPlease note that the original images on the site are small and the quality of the enlarged image will depend a lot on the quality of the original photo and the size of the file. Some of these photos were taken several years ago and were not intended for enlargement on this scale